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We are delighted to welcome you to Circle of Friends! Our philosophy encompasses the belief that each child holds their own distinctive gifts and abilities. We believe in helping children achieve their full potential in the contexts of relationships that are based on trust and respect. Our program is child centered and based upon the belief that children learn best through play. Our program is individualized to meet each child’s personal needs and interests and children are empowered to develop at their own pace. At Circle of Friends, we strive to shape the program around the children, rather than fitting the children into the program. We value children for their uniqueness and individuality and encourage them in self-expression.

Our classroom environments are created to stimulate a child's natural sense of curiosity and desire to learn. Within each homelike classroom, you will find an array of developmentally appropriate props and materials to nourish your child’s social, physical, and intellectual growth and development. Our Teachers, act as the facilitators of learning, planning activities and lessons based on the children's interests and needs. Trusting, meaningful relationships are built on the quality time spent with each child in their care, both individually and in group settings. Through ongoing interaction, observation and assessment, teachers guide activities around the social and academic needs of each individual child, encouraging each child’s strengths and promoting growth in all areas of development.

We look forward to your visit at Circle of Friends. We recognize the extraordinary privilege we have in sharing this time with your child!

Home: Welcome
adult and child hands holding seedling p


At Circle of Friends, we believe in the wonder and magic of early childhood! Guided by the Reggio Emilia philosophy, we respect children’s right to play and discover, to collaborate and construct, and to experience meaningful and joyful learning. We are inspired by the spark in their eyes, smiles on their faces, warm embraces, exuberant moments, and their inherent curiosity. Our program is designed around the children and our units of study are influenced by the children’s interests and passions.

Our teachers collaborate to offer children a wide range of deep, meaningful learning opportunities. We understand that children thrive when they feel safe, loved, understand the routine and structure of the day, and when they are given space to explore, experiment, and wonder.

Home: Who We Are


At The Circle of Friends, our purpose is to provide a high quality early childhood education program for children One through Five years of age.


At Circle of Friends, we understand that the well-being of your child is of the utmost importance to you. With that in mind, we are committed to providing your child with a safe, nurturing, stimulating, healthy and happy environment. We also understand that you want the very best education for your child and that is what Circle of Friends has to offer... the best and most comprehensive early childhood education available and it's affordable. We help to instill in your child a strong sense of self-worth by giving him or her opportunities to make choices, take risks, overcome challenges and develop an "I can do it!" attitude. We teach your child that education is fun -- an adventure! The more knowledge your child has, the better equipped he or she is to excel scholastically and face the challenges that lie ahead.


At Circle of Friends, our goal is to inspire a passion for learning in each child, through a progressive approach to early childhood education that values each child as a unique individual. We encourage children to be independent, self-confident and inquisitive. Our mission is to guide and challenge children so that they will emerge as independent, responsible, healthy, thoughtful and well-prepared adults. We strive to lay a foundation for children that will enable them to succeed in the years ahead, preparing them for their primary education years and beyond. We see in quality early childhood education the prospect for building a better society for the world of tomorrow.


At Circle of Friends, we provide a physically safe and emotionally secure environment, where children are nurtured, respected, and encouraged in a supportive, confidence-building atmosphere. Our center is designed to care for and educate your "whole" child, offering opportunities for your child to explore and experiment with a variety of materials and experiences, while promoting your child's physical, emotional, intellectual, creative, and social development. Our program is based on respect and trust for children, valuing their authentic feelings and encouraging them to be active participants in their environment. Children are allowed the opportunity for real interactions with their environment and materials, inspiring them to explore and initiate their own learning. Through play experiences, children are supported in their efforts to make their own appropriate choices as well as respecting teachers, peers and classroom materials.


“The wider the range of possibilities we offer children, the more intense will be their motivations and the richer their experiences”

~Loris Malaguzzi

At Circle of Friends, we believe that children learn best through a curriculum that begins with an understanding of early childhood development and the play of young children. Our program uses The Creative Curriculum to assist in formulating goals and objectives when creating lesson plans. As well, we are able to track your child's progress using Teaching Strategies GOLD assessment tool. The Creative Curriculum is a comprehensive curriculum, linked to an assessment system that fully meets the criteria for appropriateness and effectiveness. It addresses teachers' need to know what to teach and why and how children learn best. This curriculum allows for teachers to respond to the individual needs of their students. The curriculum specifies the literacy, math, science, social studies, arts and technology content to be taught based on published standards and is in line with the Florida Early Learning and Developmental  Standards.

Our curriculum is influenced by the Reggio Emilia Approach. The Reggio Philosophy is based on the principles of respect, responsibility, and community. Children learn through exploration and discovery in a supportive and enriching environment. Teachers guide the topics of investigation or projects based on the interests of the children in each group. Throughout each classroom you will find various means of representations, documenting the children’s learning in action. The classrooms are adorned with the children’s artwork, dictations, graphs, cooperative learning projects, pictures, and documentation panels.

We also believe that children learn best when using an emergent curriculum, as children take the lead in their learning and curriculum goals and objectives are taught through individualized instruction based on each child's developmental level and knowledge. The curriculum consists of activities and projects that reflect the interests of the children. Teachers observe the spontaneous curiosity of the children in their care, and then guide them through activities, providing them with projects and a learning environment that reflect their pursuits. Children are expected to learn through trial and error and are considered equal learners. Their play and projects are documented in their portfolios, which contain assessments, photographs and records of their own words, allowing teachers and parents to follow each child's progress as well as help children see their actions as meaningful.


Child Painting Model Airplane


Our Toddler Program consist of two classrooms. The Turtle Classroom welcomes our youngest students that are one and two years of age and has eight children and two Teachers. The Pelican Classroom welcomes students who are two and three years of age and has twelve children and two Teachers.

We believe toddlers learn best by doing, so we deliver first-hand experiences as a foundation for increasing their knowledge about our physical world. Using our multi-sensory approach, we encourage them to discover their world through their five senses. Children are provided with many learning opportunities which include tactile, sensory, and creative expression experiences in which the children are sure to get messy. In our program, the emphasis is placed on your child’s individuality and creativity, not the final product.

Within our environments, teachers provide an assortment of rotating materials and props for the children to discover. Authentic, realistic toys and materials enable children to engage in increasingly complex types of play. To encourage the children’s imagination and to support their need to imitate, they will be provided with materials for puppetry, dressing up, cooking, and caring for baby dolls. Children will develop cognitive and mathematical skills as they build with a variety of blocks, stacking toys, puzzles, shape and color sorters, and loose parts.

Teachers will work with children on skills necessary in life such as toileting, dressing and undressing ourselves, problem solving, and building conflict resolution skills. Routine, repetition and rituals are established during the day for the children to follow, providing children with a comfortable, predictable environment in which to thrive.

Cute toddler girl playing with farm anim


The Preschool Program consists of two classrooms, each with eighteen children and two Teachers. The Panther Classroom welcomes students who are three and four years old.  The Manatee Classroom is home to our Pre-Kindergarteners who are four and five years of age.

At Circle of Friends, we understand that every child’s development is unique and complex. Preschool-aged children intrinsically know what they need and are able to express what they want. We encourage the children to make many choices on their own with regard to what activities they want to engage in. We strive to promote and enhance each child’s individual needs and interest. Our program allows for a balance of interactions with peers through both child-directed activities and teacher-led instruction.

During our morning indoor exploration time, the children are free to choose where they would like to play. Our safe, consistent, and nurturing environment is designed to stimulate the child’s innately inquisitive nature. Imaginations soar in the Dramatic Play, Blocks and Puppet areas where children act out real life roles. In the Language, Math, Science, Music and Art areas children are developing life long habits of observation, inquiry, listening, and self-expression. Teachers allow for uninterrupted child-directed play and rotate through out the interest centers supporting children as needed. Our curriculum is integrated through out the classroom and materials and props are changed to reflect the children’s current pursuits.

Children are introduced new concepts, learning experiences and hold group discussions while gathered during circle time. During this time, children will participate in daily rituals such as calendar, weather, music and movement activities, reading stories, puppet shows, and so much more. This time of gathering helps to support our sense of community and promotes positive social interactions among the children.

Portrait of smiling little girl working


At Circle of Friends, our goal is to prepare every child for success with their educational future. The Teachers help develop each child’s building blocks for academic achievement by providing them with the developmental tools needed for academic knowledge. Circle of Friends is registered to provide Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK). We utilize the Florida Early Learning and Developmental Standards - Four Years Old to Kindergarten adopted by the State Board of Education. 

Florida Early Learning and Development Standards - Birth - Kindergarten

These standards create a common framework and language to ensure a high quality experience for all children. They help Teachers understand the sequence of development across multiple domains and the important factors that influence development. Furthermore, they are designed to guide Administrators and Teachers in designing and implementing appropriate early learning environments. The standards provide realistic expectations for children as they reflect the ways in which children think, recreate, reason, and create when involved in the learning process and when provided a high quality learning environment. The standards were created based on the knowledge that children are all unique and have an individual pattern and timing for growth. It is understood that every child holds different experiences, abilities, and interests. The Standards are based on what we know about children, including what they should know and be able to do along a continuum of development. The Standards are grouped around the following eight domains of development:

I. Physical Development

During their first five years, young children undergo more rapid and dramatic changes in their physical development than at any other time in their lives. Changes in body proportion, coordination, and strength occur, as does increasingly complex brain development. Children develop remarkable physical, motor, and sensory capacities that enhance exploration and mastery of the environment.

II. Approaches to Learning

Approaches to Learning is a unique and critical domain of children’s development. Although each of the other domains of development reflects specific content knowledge that document what children know and do, Approaches to Learning is not about specific content knowledge. Instead, it addresses how children deal with new environments, interactions, and discoveries. Approaches to Learning describes children’s attitudes and dispositions toward learning.

III. Social and Emotional Development

As children grow, their ability to establish relationships with peers and with additional adults influences how they view themselves and the world. Positive and adaptive social behaviors result from interacting with others who have different characteristics and backgrounds. With the help of supportive adults, young children expand their capacities to recognize and express their own feelings, and to understand and respond to the emotions of others.

IV. Language and Literacy

Language, communication, and early literacy and writing are critical to children’s ability to learn, work, and play with others. Language and literacy development involves the way children learn to communicate with sounds, words and gestures, and eventually, the way they learn to read and write. Children develop language and literacy through interactions with adults and other children, engagement with materials and instructional experiences.

V. Mathematical Thinking

Mathematics is everywhere and it helps children make sense of their world. Children learn by observing and interacting with their environment and are naturally curious about number and mathematical concepts. Children’s development of mathematical understanding begins in the very first months of life and continues to grow and expand as they interact with others and with the world around them. For young children, math is about number knowledge, patterns, size, shape awareness, and the relationship between objects and space.

VI. Scientific Inquiry

Scientific inquiry addresses children exploring the world around them. Children are natural investigators and their levels of understanding deepen over time with varied experiences. Exploration and discovery are ways that young children learn about their worlds by first using their senses and reflexes. The initial spontaneous responses of infants become more purposeful as they gain mobility. The expanding physical and motor capacities of toddlers enable them to engage in ever-widening explorations which can promote new brain connections.

VII. Social Studies

In the earliest years, social studies concepts simply involve children exploring their world and trying to make sense of the social and physical environments. Social interactions form the basis of social studies, therefore in the early childhood arena, each child’s basic social understanding begins with self and family then expands to early education. A sensitive, respectful approach sets the tone for a child’s social learning.

VIII. Creative Expression Through the Arts

Creative Expression Through the Arts, provides children with opportunities to express ideas and feelings, use words, manipulate tools and media, and solve problems Through the arts, children learn to express what they know, pursue their own interests and abilities and appreciate the contributions of others. They begin to understand that others can be creative in different ways and show appreciation for these differences by asking questions and commenting.

Additionally, The Florida Early Learning and Developmental Standards - Birth to Kindergarten feature four concepts that that are encountered frequently throughout the standard domains: 

  • Play - Play is a child’s work.  Play is important for children’s development as children learn social and motor skills and cognitive thinking.

  • Patterns - Patterns exist everywhere - in regularly occurring shares or structures and in repeating events and relationships.

  • Cause and Effect - Children learn cause and effect at a very young age.  They cry to get attention.  They drop something and it breaks. They bang a pot and it makes noise.

  • Communication - Young children depend on language and communication to make their wants and needs known, solve problems, ask questions, and play with others.

The understanding that concepts of play, patterns, cause and effect and communication are encountered throughout the Florida Early Learning and Developmental Standards–Birth to Kindergarten will support educators in providing meaningful learning experiences for children. For example, an activity with children playing together and building a tower out of multi-colored blocks involves play, patterns (building and using colors), cause and effect (blocks fall down when there is not a strong foundation or someone bumps the blocks) and communication as children plan and talk about how they will design or rebuild their tower. Young children learn through the concepts across the standards by engaging in activities that are real and meaningful to them — activities that encourage the development of skills, knowledge and ways of thinking and learning.

These concepts across the standards provide opportunities for children to learn and apply skills and vocabulary in different contexts that build familiarity and grow in complexity across the age range, birth to kindergarten.

For more information on the Florida Early Learning and Development Standards - Birth to Kindergarten ,visit the website at

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Children in the Garden


"We don't inherit the earth from our ancestors. We borrow it from our children."
Native American Proverb

Circle of Friends is endorsed by the Children’s Environmental Health Network as a certified Eco-Healthy Child Care®  provider. This award-winning and science-based endorsement encourages healthier and safer environments in child care facilities. To receive this national endorsement, we are required to follow the program’s best practices, which also immediately benefit the health and well-being of children in our care. The Eco-Healthy Child Care program focuses on protecting children from harmful chemicals that are commonly found in homes and child care facilities. Find out more by visiting

At Circle of Friends, we encourage and promote awareness of environmental responsibilities and implement practices that contribute to a clean and non-toxic sustainable future. Some of the ways in which keep our school healthy and protect the earth are as follows:

  • Using only non-toxic art supplies approved by the Art and Creative Materials Institute

  • Avoiding any playground equipment made of CCA treated wood 

  • All treatments for wood play structures are non-toxic and Earth friendly 

  • Avoiding toys containing PVC and bottles/sippy cups containing BPA

  • Using drinking water that comes from a reverse-osmosis filtration system

  • Recycling all paper, cardboard, glass and plastic bottles

  • Creating opportunities to educate our families about healthy practices

  • Furniture and accessories made of natural materials and fibers are often used over plastic

  • Using low or non-VOC paint

  • Having high efficiency low-voltage lighting

  • Native landscaping requiring less water

  • Eco-friendly and non-toxic cleaning solutions

  • Low flow toilets and faucets

  • Limit the Use of Disposable Packaging and Water Bottles Cloth diaper friendly

  • Toys and Educational Equipment from Green Companies Bringing children’s awareness of the environment through daily practices, resources and interactions

  • Teachers modeling sustainable practices as part of the daily routine

  • Digital communication over paper printing whenever possible

  • Each classroom contains one of the top 10 oxygen producing plants

  • Curriculum incorporates protecting the environment

  • Organic Garden and Composting

  • Use of essential oils and diffusers throughout the school

Eco-Friendly Activities

You may be wondering how we go about teaching the children about the environment and inspiring them to be better stewards of the planet. By providing children with hands on activities, they are better able to make the connections and relationships with the world around them. In turn, they have a better understanding of cause and effect and the impact they have on the planet. Some of the ways in which we facilitate children through this thinking process are through activities such as those listed below.

Recycling: After reading a story about recycling, the children partake in sorting recyclable materials (plastic, paper, metals) and learn how to recycle appropriately.

Reusing: By reusing everyday items such as boxes, containers, lids, etc. children give these items a new purpose. Before throwing out or recycling items we ask ourselves, can this be used for loose parts, as a medium for art projects, can it be used in any of the learning centers such as housekeeping, blocks or perhaps in the sensory table? For instance, with a styrofoam egg carton you can make a beautiful flower in art, it can be added to the kitchen in housekeeping, it makes for a bumpy road or hills in the block center, and it can be used to sort objects in math/manipulatives. The possibilities are endless when we let our imagination soar!

Sustainability: How do we allow children to see their effect on the environment around us in a short period of time and make it authentic to them? Here’s one way… After a discussion about pollution, the children and teacher filled a large pretzel container with water and added various items such as food wrappers, paper, caps and lids, etc. Over a 2 week period the children observed the changes take place in the water. Through this experiment they were able to make a genuine connection to what it means to pollute and the impact it has on our environment. Many thought provoking discussions take place afterwards, such as the impact on our oceans and beaches due to pollution, how it affects the wildlife, and what we can do to protect our natural resources.

Gardening:  The children participate in gardening activities throughout the year. A variety of items are grown from fruits and vegetables to beautiful flowers.

Conservation: One way the children learn about water conservation is by using rain barrels to collect rain water and then using the water collected to water the plants in the garden. 

Home: Eco-Conscious


Circle of Friends is an APPLE accredited program and holds a Florida Gold Seal certificate. 

APPLE (Accredited Professional Preschool Learning Environment) Accreditation is a national early learning program accreditation that recognizes early learning centers for operating high quality programs. Research shows a direct link between a high quality early learning experience and a child’s future success. APPLE sets the standards that accelerate an early learning center’s drive to achieve that level of care and education outcomes.

Home: About Us
little girl and boy hands painted  in co


What is the difference between a daycare and preschool?

A daycare or child care center is designed to provide safe care for your child, while a preschool or early education program is intended to stimulate learning, creativity, and essential skill development to prepare your child for formal education.

How do I determine which school will be best to educate my child and prepare him/her for kindergarten?

You first need a good understanding of your goals for your child’s education. You should then visit several preschools to view the interactions and meet with staff in person. Every school has its own philosophy as do parents and you should try to find a school that best matches your beliefs and ideals. You should also ask to speak with parents of current students or ask to view parent testimonials.

What type of licensing and accreditation do you have?

Circle of Friends is licensed through the Florida Department of Health, License # 58-03-1921472. We are a nationally accredited school through APPLE and hold a Gold Seal certificate through the Florida Department of Children and Families.  Additionally, we are a certified Eco-Healthy Child Care program through the Children’s Environmental Health Network which reflects our commitment to delivering healthy and sustainable learning environments for your child.

What is your educational philosophy?

At Circle of Friends, we provide a physically safe and emotionally secure environment, where children are nurtured, respected, and encouraged in a supportive, confidence-building atmosphere. Our center is designed to care for and educate your “whole” child, offering opportunities for your child to explore and experiment with a variety of materials and experiences, while promoting your child’s physical, emotional, intellectual, creative, and social development. Our program is based on respect and trust for children, valuing their authentic feelings and encouraging them to be active participants in their environment. Children are allowed the opportunity for real interactions with their environment and materials, inspiring them to explore and initiate their own learning. Through play experiences, children are supported in their efforts to make their own appropriate choices as well as respecting teachers, peers and classroom materials.

What is your children-to-teacher ratio?

Our children-to-teacher ratio averages 5:1 for toddlers and young twos, 7:1 for older twos and young threes, and 9:1 for threes, fours and fives. These figures can vary slightly from day to day, depending on those children who are absent or on a part time schedule. 

On average, how long have your teachers been teaching? 

We take education seriously, so we employ experienced, passionate, and dedicated educators. Our teachers have a range from 2 - 30+ years of classroom teaching experience. We also believe that our environment is a great one for beginning teachers to learn from and will pair them with master teachers within our program.

What type of background screening and educational qualifications do your teachers and staff have?

Prior to employment with our program, all staff are fingerprinted through a livescan provider and complete a comprehensive background check.  Additionally, a minimum of 3 professional references are checked.

Our staff have a range of educational qualifications from National Early Childhood Certificates to Masters Degrees.  All Lead Teachers are required to have an Associates Degree or higher in Education.  We believe our program offers a wonderful environment and learning opportunity for those who are passionate about Early Education and employ staff who are at an entry level, but willing to further their education in Early Childhood.  Our program participates in the T.E.A.C.H. scholarship program through the Florida Children’s Forum.  We sponsor staff who want to pursue a degree in Early Childhood and staff may earn up to a Masters Degree while paying as little as 10% for their college education.

All staff are required to complete a minimum of 25 hours of inservice training yearly. Throughout the year, staff attend workshops, trainings, conferences, special certification programs and the like on early childhood topics. All staff are also required to complete First Aid/CPR; Child Growth and Development; Identifying and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect; Child Care Facility Rules and Regulations; Health, Safety and Nutrition; Behavioral Observation and Screening; Developmentally Appropriate Practices; Early Literacy; Handling, Using and Storing Toxins, Hazardous Materials, Medication, and Dangerous Equipment; Fire Extinguisher training. 

Additionally, the school is a member of FACCM (Florida Association of Child Care Management) and staff are members of local, state, or national child care associations such as SEEDS, NAEYC/FLAEYC/ECA of Sarasota, AELL, Highscope, Zero-to-Three, RIE, and Reggio Alliance.

What is your staff turnover rate?

Our turnover rate is much lower than the average because we create a positive environment not only for our children, but also for our staff.  We have staff that have been with the program for over 20 years.

How many staff members are certified in CPR and First Aid?

We require that every member of our staff maintain a current certification in both CPR and First Aid.

Are children of different ages grouped together?

Yes, each classroom is grouped by age and the students in each classroom have birthdays within one year of each other. In most cases we group the children according to the peer group they would go to Kindergarten with, however with our understanding of child development there may be times when a child may either advance to an older classroom early or their transition is delayed based on the individual child’s developmental needs and abilities. 

Do you welcome parent involvement?

Our school is a community that embraces the whole family. Parent (and Grandparent!) volunteers are essential to our school and play a vital role as they enhance our program in a variety of ways. We strive to offer several ways in which families can be involved in our program. We host events throughout the year, including holiday parties and celebrations and encourage families to get involved in their child’s experience. Each classroom has a room parent who helps to coordinate these events with other families in the classroom. We welcome and appreciate parent volunteers throughout the year to help out in your child's classroom as well as with school wide events such as our Annual Art Auction & Raffle. Additionally, we have a Parent Advisory Council (PAC) who greatly enriches our program as they support our school through fundraising, organizing special events, and teacher appreciation to name a few as well as being the collective voice for the parents in our program.

What will my child be learning in your preschool?

We introduce the fundamentals of the Arts, Language/Literacy, Math, Science, Social/Emotional development, and Character education through our emergent or "project based" curriculum which is designed to allow each child to learn at his individual level while allowing him to explore his own areas of interest and follow his own natural curiosity. For specific information in relation to your child's age, please see our parent handbook.

What is your policy regarding sick children?

In order to keep our children, their families, and our staff, as healthy as possible, we require that any child with a fever over 100 degrees, more than one occurrence of vomiting or diarrhea, or any contagious disease be kept at home. We follow the regulations set forth by the Florida Department of Health. Please see our sick policy for more information.

How large is your playground?

We have two spacious, well-equipped playgrounds for children 2 - 5 years of age as well as a separate playground for our youngest toddlers. Each playground is fenced in for security.  Additionally, we have an outdoor atelier located on the back porch.

How do you communicate with parents?

The parents of our toddlers and twos receive a daily tidbit that documents feedings, naps, and other important notes. Parents of three, four and five year old children get regular updates from teachers regarding their child’s progress, and we invite parents to speak with our staff at any time. In addition, we provide a monthly newsletter to share news, event information, and other notes with our parent community. Because we are an eco-conscious school, we try to limit the amount of paper we use.  We utilize electronic means of communication through Smore, Shutterfly, and via email for the majority of our communications. On our private Shutterfly website, you can find items such as the parent handbook, calendar, family contact lists, pictures and videos of the children and so much more!

What if someone other than my spouse/partner or myself has to pick up my child?

In order to protect your child, we require that you provide the names of any individual who has permission to pick up your child on the appropriate forms. We require advance notice from you when someone other than an immediate family member will be picking up your child and will check identification. If we have any questions or concerns, we ask that you are available via cell phone to provide confirmation.

What security measures are in place to protect my child?

Your child’s safety and your peace of mind are of the utmost concern at Circle of Friends. Our facility is fenced in and the outside entrance is monitored throughout the day with an administrator available in the front office. All visitors must check-in in our front office when arriving.  All exterior classroom doors are locked during the day.

Do you provide meals and snacks?

We provide a nutritious morning and afternoon snack. Our monthly snack menus are posted for your review.

How will I learn of my child’s daily experiences?

For the toddlers and twos in our care it is standard practice to provide a daily tidbit documenting your child’s meals, naps, and diapering. Our goal is to involve you as much as possible in the day-to-day development and we strive to keep parents informed.  Parents are welcomed and encouraged to touch base with your child’s teacher on a regular basis.  Although drop off and pick up times can be a busy time and teachers may not be available to talk at length, we recommend that parents schedule a meeting with their child’s teacher either in person or over the phone during nap time.  Additionally, there is a Parent-Teacher communication notebook in each classroom in which parents can leave notes for their child’s teacher. Parents are also welcomed to email us anytime.  Parents are also encouraged to stay informed by reading the monthly newsletters sent through Smore, check the Parent Information Board in your child’s classroom for a copy of the lesson plan and any additional information pertaining to the classroom or school at large, as well as checking our private Shutterfly website.

What hours are you open?

We are open year round, Monday through Friday, from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Do you offer full time and part time programs?

Yes!  We have several options available.  We offer 2, 3 and 5 day full day and half day programs.

What is the enrollment process?

Families are encouraged to begin the enrollment process early as space is limited due to our small class sizes.  Parents will need to schedule a tour with our program Director as the first step.  After touring the program, parents will be sent additional information via email.  If your child did not attend the initial tour, we will schedule a follow up visit for your to bring your child. Should you wish to enroll your child, we will develop a transition plan for your child as they join our program.  The typical transition is a one week period in which parents and children visit the program together for a couple hours in the beginning of the week and by the end of the week children attend the morning without their parents.  This allows time for both the child and parents to begin to familiarize themselves with the school and their child’s classroom as well as provides a better sense of safety and security as they build a relationship with the teachers and other students.  

Please note, if we do not have space available you may be added to our waiting list.  Priority is given to siblings of children who are currently attending our program.

Don’t see your question or need additional information?

Please feel free to contact us by phone at 941-953-2889 or via email at and we’d be happy to help.

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Interested in learning more about Circle of Friends? Please feel free to contact us.  We'd love to schedule a tour to show you around our amazing little campus and learn more about how we can help your child during these magical years of early childhood.  We look forward to speaking with you soon!

2120 Webber St
Sarasota, Fl 34239


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